Saturday, 29 December 2012

New Years on Woozworld

Hey pplz woozworld has 2 new backgrounds for the new year they have 2013 written all over them :D literally lol


Fashion Contest

blah blah blah....discontinued...blah blah guess im not allowed blah blah hahahahhah ima make another one later :P 

##you motivate me 


some bloggers have complaints from me then i dont post to day we are gonna talk about rares:

 1)the moomoos! first of all they were so rare that no one sold it less than 200 wooz but then one day it was in shop for 199 wooz and ppl bought like anything.but now its on the shopz for like 78 wooz
2)then come  zombie legs they are also very rare.when we click one some one who has worn it they show us 500 wooz but in black market they are half the price
3)now the deadmau:the hair are sold for 5000-20000 wooz.but the heads are a bit less.still ppl wear them as a height of fashion
4)zee princess is also rare its 500 wooz and not even in shopz
5)rockstar vest is also very rare but ppl wear them .the vest is sold for more than 600 wooz
that was all i could get to u guys :)

New years yeti

So woozworld posted a photo of the 2013 new years yeti vs the 2012 new years yeti. Most people picked 2013 and I can see why. The 2012 yeti has a purple hat with 2012 written on it a plain white jacket a purple and blue thing you blow into and it has a yellow shirt with dots on it. The 2013 one has a white hat with 2013 written on it has its arms up a purple jacket that has dots a green and white thing you blow into and a yellow and black shirt.
Take a look for yourself.

True Chizz~Why Flirt?

OKay so you guys know when your boyfriend goes to a singles club or a party then ur like um....why r u here?? but you dont really care as long as he wasnt doing anything so you guys start tlking and hanging out then all of a sudden you go on brb mode and theres that one thirsty girl and as soon as you leave she makes her move and hes telling her I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND but she just keeps tryin flirt and when you come back and notice your like....
 And now your so mad that theres no stopping you, you're cussing, trying to fight and everyone it just watching you because they're looking at you like 0.0 omg whats going on and then of course he gets involved trying to calm you down but then you guys start fighting over him and all of a sudden you turn into this....

  and now hes mad at you but your looking like um hello....SHES TRYIN FLIRT AND YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ABT IT and now your both mad as ever so you guys log out and dont talk for like...3hours before one of you say sorry lol so time this happens....just ignor the other girl or walk away....cuz someone....WILL die

Fashion Delights For Every Girl (\^.^/)

 Hey Deadliners!! Today here I have another fashion delight!!So,First i'm gonna tell you a bit about the
 outfit then i'lll show it to u :) Here We Go!!

  This Outfit is a cute sporty outfit/a girly one.Light And Dark Colors Work.I Say Dark Collors Might Be Better Like A Dark Blue But Thats Me :) Um Lemme See Its Perfect For Going To Like A Revenge Or A Game Show.It Really Works To Go Anywhere.Its Also Perfect For Tomboys.And This All Comes Around To Like 200 Hun Wooz!Its Amazing!! Heres The Picture :)

I'm Soooooooo In Love With This Outfit :) Its More A Summerish Springish Outfit.But Who Cares! Ur Woozen Isn't Gonna Freeze To Death..Maybe In Fashion! :P I Think The Main Thing That Pulls It Together Is The Skirt.The Skirt Is Called Striped MiniSkirt,This Skirt Really Works With Anything OnE Of My Personal Favs!The Shirt And Hair Is Where The Tomboy Comes In.I Think The Hair Also Goes With Anything!The Shirt Is Called Majorette's Top.And The Fablous Hair Is Called Rockstar Collections Hat.Now The Slippers Are Really Cute!!LOL!! I Think They Add A Bit Of Laziness :P I Really Like Them But Some Times They Are Difficult Cuz If You Have A Neon Color And U Want These Slippers The Slippers Will Be An Ugly Dark Pink.Btw The Slippers Are Called Old Slippers.LOL.Well Deadliners This Fashion Trip Has Came To An End :( Cya Ily!

I'm Sorry :'(

Im Sooo Sorry Deadliners! I Haven't Been Posting For A Reason Im Losing My Touch....But thats not gonna stop me!!1Ima post all day todasy!! just not right now cuz i gtg But i promisee!!


Stripez Attack

Hi everyone! Hoping you all had a great and merry Christmas with your family and friends, I know I did :)..Now that the festivities are over time for the New Year yay! New Year countdown on the lose oh yes ;D. But before THOSE festivities come, we need to update on our Fashion Statement! Okay so I don't have much announcements so it'll be short though I think I am coming down with another disease again gosh T.T. 'Member to always wash ur hands, you don't know how much an impact it has :O. Okay so that's it, onto our statement update!

Today's outfit is called "StripeZ Attack." Now this isn't technically an Outfit of the Day update for I did wear this a few days ago so it can be considered or can not I hope that made at least some sense XD.Stripes are the MAIN thing for this outfit for they are soo ADORABLE and look nice on nearly every top or dress even and they definitely are FUN and just casual thing everyday. I do loove stripes and I have many striped tops, patterned tops are definitely nice especially if it's over a solid color like polka-dots or stripes :). So starting off this outfit is the "Werewolf Boy Shirt & Vest." Now who said girls can't pull off guys' tops ;)? Honestly some of the guy shirts actually do look TONS better than the girl ones and maybe it's just me but I do occasionally like em and this was definitely one I L-O-V-E-D! Now this shirt came out around the Mya and Zeena battle thing, but due to the new way Woozworld buys clothes I luckily was able to buy this off of LexersCx so YAY! <3 I doubt she even knows i brought it actually now that i think about it xD.Anyways its a nice classic striped shirt with a fur vest over it that's soo CUTE and FLUFFY<3! Under it I continued the stripes trend pairing it nicely with some short "Striped Miniskirt" and it's nothing really special about this pencil skirt either besides it's stripes so I'm not gonna talk much about it xD. This is from Woozworld's "Back 2 Cool" Collection but u can find it in Shopz or off of someone else xD. I'm just wearing some "Rebel Kicks" and they are AWESOME! High canvas tops with a little like fabric detailing on the top is definitely a very INTERESTING piece and it's a nice tie up to this EDGY everyday outfit. What I loove best about this outfit is the HAIR! "Straight cut with glasses" is definitely my ALL TIME FAVORITE hair woozworld has ever made xD! It's soo NERD and GEEK and it's soo CUTE! Also I'm a sucker for glasses ;). I kept the NO makeup this time for it's so cute without any need for makeup and natural beauty is the real beauty after all :). Anyways it's a PERFECT outfit for school and honestly I should have done this statement in September but all well school's still in session xD. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this statement and the rest of your winter break! XOXO!
-Ginny (:

Congratz SaphireStyles ;D

Hi guys! So at today's Myawooz fashion show SaphireStyles was the winner!! She was first place, Followed by Jessy995e and fancyforeva! Congratz to all of you :D And congratz SaphireStyles!

She is wearing the new New year's hair in Blonde also wearing a blue onesie followed by moomoo's! She looks adorable and really cozy :D *She also brought a bunny up on stage SO CUTE!* 

 So stunning ;)

Nicey's Advice!

Hi guys! So i made an advice form for people who need advice, And all you do is type in your question and i will totally answer it :D You can include your woozworld username *if you want* Or something like ~confused woozen will work too, And  I will try to answer your question as best as possible :D Now all you need to do is Email me at its as easy as pie ;D Bye bye c

Contest Reminder

ello ppl of earth just a reminder about my logo contest first prize is 200 wooz 2nd place is 100wooz 3rd place is 50wooz *check tha contest page for all the actual details* btw fashion contest coming tomorrow along with my first actual fashion post :P yes ik be excited very excited lol but yea enter my contes or ill be fouced to have an ugly one i make lol *it says 100wooz on contest page i just changed the prize to 200wooz just now in this post*
*it also says its only one winner...again i judt changed it in this post* btw give me some congratz just i finally am posting from my ipad without 100000 mistakes lol

new video

guys i was thinking why not make a video .so message me on woozworld if u want to take part in it .it will be based on the trendz 2013
there will be 10 boys and 10 girls and if u want to join save your pic in albumz naming vip video and i will be there

Youtube Channel!

So yup, I updated my youtube channel ;) And I even made a neat intro for all the videos I will be making from now on :D And I would really appreciate it if I got more subscribers ;) So heres the link: Vel's Channel

My New Channel

Hey guys I just recently opened my new Channel!! So it would be real helpful if you could click that subscribe button :) Thanks videos are coming s00n

Click these magic words

Friday, 28 December 2012

What To Look For In Getting A Dog...

So Strange Enough.. i got an email asking for advice on how to pick a dog... without a woozworld username o.- so im gonna do tips on that... I have a dog myself my beautiful german shepard/ black lab mix :P and i pet sit my cousins morkie (maltese yorkie) mix. Here are my tips
~Sociable - this means friendly and warms up to new ppl quickly
~ Size - make sure the size suits you and your family
~ Life span - everyone wants there dog to live for a long time :P
~ Color - color effects vision, hearing, and reactions
~ Loyalty - some breeds stand by the eldest of the family and acts as a second leader where as others are the childrens body guards.
They also asked about puppy mills... so ill explain. Puppy mills are like farms where they breed dogs and sad enoguh if a dog is there too long or is old the owner will go outside and shoot them :'( most times shelters rescue these animals before that happens. Shelters on the other hand are rescued animals that are stray or abandoned. My dog is from a shelter and my cousins dog is through a website that does get its puppies from puppy mills. Most times websites u need to pay extra for the dog. :P
   Now to woozworld stuff... i would like to confirn on Kens earlier post.. Vicky and Latinlover00 (Dona) are still dating.. she was seen with artur not because they're dating.. exes can be friends.. xD
Also LatinOlover00 did this master class thigny which unfortunately i missed :P it was like tips on stuff... xD Also the first part of my woozworld movie came out.. its called How IT Happened.. xD Featuring -
Cupcake (not a deadline member)
Tell me if i missed you ill add u in.. xD
This was actually based off of a story i wrote a little edited. xD Excuse the first part where hope and lissa were acting OVERLY girly xD

New Deadline Header!

Hey guys! So Vel made a new header for deadline and it looks EPIC! :D I love it so much You did a really great job vel, and just in case you didnt know *Im the last one in the pink* I think this really fits new years type of theme Because of course there HAD to be some kind of fireworks in this picture! ;) I also think everyones shadow on the top is amazing too c: That was my quick post for the night ;) Have a great new years!! 



So I decided on woozworld I'll only add my close friends and woozworld blog members for my friends (And hot friends) So I just wanna say if your a blog member or close friend and I deleted you you might wanna re-add me xP

New Edits

Alright guys, you know how i said Vel the Editor was closed? Well people love me xD so i dont wanna disappoint, but I dont want to be doing headers at the moment, just personalized edits thx! So here are my latest ones.
This is a youtube profile picture for aero! xD haunted theme?

This is a logo i designed for Vip22 :) Minty?

Sexy Cece wanted her logo made xD Love the hearts?

New Deadline Header :D New Years Spirit!

Nicey ordered a youtube picture thats totally candilicious ;)

And Finally...My own logo xD

LatinoLover Broken Up????

Okok Correct me if I'm wrong wasn't Latino going out with Vicky??? Now he say My future Wife ???? Please if you can help me kik me or message me or email me... <3 (confused)
hey guys! i'm sure you've seen the new header! XD Amazing right! well I'm doing to make it a contest!!!!!!! so from left to right you need to name all the members either email me at, message me on woozworld (im kenakins obbviously XD) can you do it?? no??? how about for 200 wooz?!?! I thought that would get ya going first one who notifies me wit the correct answer wins! <3 (dont worry I am just going to do random entry's until I pick winner)


Whoah! Have you seen the new header? It is awesome!(: I love it, Don't you?(: I am the one in the light blue xDDD

Hope you have a happy new year!

Nicey's Advice

Hi guys! So i made an advice form for people who need advice, And all you do is type in your question and i will totally answer it :D You can include your woozworld username *if you want* Or something like ~confused woozen will work too, And  I will try to answer your question as best as possible :D Now all you need to do is Email me at its as easy as pie ;D Bye bye c


new edit

Hey guys i made a new edit for a guy called wzw-social owner
well, he asked me to make it

Woozworld: Unitz creativity!

Hi! So today im doing something diffrent, Because this isnt just going to be my post Its also Cookies post, So this time its going to be about Woozworld unitz creativity and how people can be really Creative by doing this in woozworld. Now we have some pictures to show you along with that, And all these unitz are by LadyLilac *you may know her* And no, Its not because she may be ''Rich'' or ''famous'' It just depends on how you think about stuff. Now let me show you the first picture,

1. Rainbow unitz :D *Ladylilac*
 This unitz may not seem ''so creative'' To you because its just a rainbow but if you really think about it. Not that many woozens would be able to think of this kind of unitz
2. Under the sea *LadyLilac* Also, this unitz may be small to you  but again not many woozens would be able to think of a unitz like this *Yeah maybe, But would they really spend there time on it? not usally*

Take the stage Cookie! :D *Now its her turn* 

 3.This is also a LadyLilac creation :D we acted like snow beasts and again as nicey said shes so original in her unit work. LOVE IT!!!

 4. I think i had the most fun in this one rofl :P I just wish I had a pirate outfit <3 I love her unitz and shes so creative if ik her i would give her 1000 cookies :D *u know its a big deal when i wanna share cookies rofl*

 So yeap nicey and cookie when out exploring or in my case stalking her unitz :D it was fun tho rofl I'm so jelly i'll nvr be able to do that :P 


Blog Awadrz Music Video

Rofl craze gonna be mad when they check blog awardz :P blog awardz said she's annoyed with how craze keeps complaining abt the music video srry craze nothin against you but....rofl just shut up and make ze video
Check the contest tab for my logo contest
I dont have a logo for my new account so yea 

WoozWorld Secretz xD A little more info

Hola Mi Amigos!(: Zebra here! I am anxious to see what We do for our new header!! I can't wait for it to come out! Now about WoozWorld Secretz app! I see someone already posted a little bit about it, well il tell you about some other things you can do with it!

So, that have shopz and stuff in their! They used to have only OLDD clothes but now they have more recent ones!(: You can also view your WoozIn! Which is really cool if you can't get on the computer but you have an iPod or something like that! It comes in handy alot!(: Another thing you can do is make a new account, idk how t works cause I haven't tried it xD You can also buy wooz with ITunes cards, or with your actual money xD! I hope these tips helped! I can post more about it of you please xD


Wooz Secrets!

Hey guys kenakins here!!! Today lets talk about the Wooz Secrets app on the Iphone Ipod Ipad Or droid (i think) Woozsecrets is a free app brought to us by wzw it has some amazing prices for clothes for your woozens! and adorable too! BONUS! and you can use your itunes gift card money to get in-game wooz! isn't that cool?! Well guys I gotta run,  talk to ya later!!!!!


Soo New years is coming up. And that Means New Years resolutions! :) My New years resolution is to post more! Whats your new years resolution!? either comment below or text me on kik or email me at thank ya!!!
 <3 ( im going to use my current first place but dont worry you might be in the top three!)
This was made by Aspenias

True Chizz~Annoying Cutters -_-

By: Justin125i
 okai so you know how you see an awesome unit on hot now, and then you go and everyone else goes and then the owners says "make a line" and then its that one dumb person to decide "i dont wanna wait in line" so they decide to move up and stand right on you and when you're like YOU CUT ME! their face goes like this...
and all of a sudden the person who cut has no idea what the heck you're talking about and they're like NO YOU CUT ME! and for some odd reason everyone starts saying that you cut first and now you're at that point where its like....

and now everyone is confused about who vut who so everyone starts cutting and you're just like OMG WTF?!?!?! so yea people i mean...if u dont wanna wait in a line....dont go to a place on hot now that clearly requires you to stand in a line ^_^

Btw ppl on deadline chat and wzw kept asking me if i had a kik and i would say no i lied i have one but i just made a new one for wzw only so yea XxCrazyCookieX btw check out the contest page


Hey guys today i saw that a girl asked another girl that she was selling her deadmau hair for 250 wooz!!! i was shocked to see this and then the other girl went to buy it .unfortunately i did not had so much wooz cuz of me getting hacked :( but if i had this much wooz i would have bought it:)

so thats all

this is my new signature until vel makes one so i am also editing and if u want me to edit something message me on woozworld and leave me a pic on ur albumz

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Deadmau5 Prices

First I want to thank Savanna201 for giving me this story! xD Ok, so I'm not sure how many of you had Deadmau5 hair or heads a while ago, but if you want to trade or sell it, it was worth like 256 wooz and beex or something xD.. now... when you put it in its like 9936.. So i was wondering why did woozworld change it.. o.0 lol, but I also love how they have prices set below public price suggesting how much you should sell it. xD THAT'S ALL FUDGE LOVERS! <3


So I was at a trading center and a girl scammed me about 3-4 times. Her name is Rakacoko2097. DO NOT TRUST HER. If you trade her she puts kitty hats and glam gowns and tattoos and when you both accepts she quickly takes everything out. Then when I said she was a scammer she accused ME of being a scammer. DO NOT TRUST HER NO MATTER WHAT.

New Unit Fad!

Ok so i decided to do a report on the new unit fad. Fad- a short term lasting trend. Which is... those mermaid beaches! xD ALOT Of ppl are suddenly doing that. Some are better then ohers.. lol well Im going to give tips on how to make yours the BEST!!!
*Beach unit
*Beach background
*Themed furniture
*Mermaid stuff for sale
*Those cute little mermaid rules like no photography, or no humans... xD Its cool
*Some kind of activity helps lots of ppl come
*Has something that makes it stand out
*Free time helps
*Be open alot
*Tell ppl to favorite it so they can come with friends whenever they want
~Sorry i wasnt on today i had my dentist appointment (no cavities!, need braces DX) and my aunt who just had surgery started bleeding coz of her dog and i had to do trainging in gymnastics.. so...... hectic, tiring day. And tommorow at 8;30 AM im getting this rlly weird scan on my chest.. rofl tmi)


Heres EVIDENCE this person knows how to hack!
Well, IDK who he wants to hack but watch out!

New Years

Hi :O !!! So right now, Im here to discuss the topic: NEW YEARS!! So obviously New year's is basically a celebration of a new year *Which will be 2013* And its a time for adults to get drunk o_o As well as Like i said before, Celebration of a new year. Now of course everyone waits till 12:00 am for it to be 2013!!! And its An opourtunity to start fresh and make this year not as much drama as last year xD I think there will be lots of posts on deadline of memories from the past year. *IM GIVING YOU IDEAS PEOPLE xDDD* And since its almost new years i decided to make a new years edit. Its wild and crazy and full of lots of crazy things because new years is exactly like that rofl. So let me show u :D

As you can see theres a big 0 thats chomping down swirly thingies O_O And two of me because who doesnt love me ;) And a scary emoticon with wine in his hand XP Well anyways, Back to reading my magazeine. Bye bye!


Edits xD

Hi! Today I am going to talk about well Woozworld and Editing!(: Lot's of people seem to be needing some sign off things! Well I always have extra time so, I decided to do some edits for people. If they want xD So if you want me to make you one I will make you one, People on Deadline will get theirs done first cause they are part of THIS blog and they might need it right away! I don't charge except for your FABULOUS pictures for me to use!

Just message me something like this

Subject: Edits
Text: Can you please make me an edit of my Woozen, The pictures are in my ablumz called ____________. I would like my edit to say ___________________.

Click here for my WoozIn
and anything else I might need to know xD
So, I will cya round town and what not!(:

(I haven't made my own edit yet so I will make it later xD)

New Years Unitz!

 Halo All My Lovelys :) New Years Unitz Are Really Trending Right Now :) Most Richer Woozens Have Them.Most of The Unitz Are Shiny Or Sparkles :P And If Those Units Don't That Doesn't Mean Its Beautiful Still. I'm Really Not A Big Fan Of Sparklees Or Shiny But It Looks Really Good With It! And Neon Colors Look Great Too! Heres A Pic Below Of A Neon Purple One :)

                                         see how all those sparkles tie it together?This Is Just One Of Them..        But Thers Lots Of Other Beatiful Ones Thats All :)

Tip: Make urs sparkles

Dreamith aka lissa  

Jenny's Vip Discussionz

Hi people :D So today, i actually *for once* Went to Jenny's Vip discussionz -I never really do it cause im lazy XDD- But anyways, I waited for the one o'clock one but she never came which really sucks D: Because i was looking forward to meeting her, and getting pictures and etc. But i actually got to go to the 4:30 one so i did get a picture and i did meet her etc etc.. so basically i told her to say  Woozworld deadline and of course she did :D so heres the picture.. And thats basically it.. So bye bye <3

New Cover Contest!!

hey guys I need A new logo for my character because the virus wipped all my picture so I though " I should make this A contest!" Soooo Here we are!! so I'm going to give you a pic of me (down below) and you can do WHATEVER your little heart wants >.<  and then Email me at And YOU Might win 100 wooz! There will be 3 winners and I will have an election on who should win! XD thank yall!
 <3 ya! 
<3 kenakins

New Edit

This is for the New Years! Hope you like!

<3 Cece