Friday 28 December 2012

What To Look For In Getting A Dog...

So Strange Enough.. i got an email asking for advice on how to pick a dog... without a woozworld username o.- so im gonna do tips on that... I have a dog myself my beautiful german shepard/ black lab mix :P and i pet sit my cousins morkie (maltese yorkie) mix. Here are my tips
~Sociable - this means friendly and warms up to new ppl quickly
~ Size - make sure the size suits you and your family
~ Life span - everyone wants there dog to live for a long time :P
~ Color - color effects vision, hearing, and reactions
~ Loyalty - some breeds stand by the eldest of the family and acts as a second leader where as others are the childrens body guards.
They also asked about puppy mills... so ill explain. Puppy mills are like farms where they breed dogs and sad enoguh if a dog is there too long or is old the owner will go outside and shoot them :'( most times shelters rescue these animals before that happens. Shelters on the other hand are rescued animals that are stray or abandoned. My dog is from a shelter and my cousins dog is through a website that does get its puppies from puppy mills. Most times websites u need to pay extra for the dog. :P
   Now to woozworld stuff... i would like to confirn on Kens earlier post.. Vicky and Latinlover00 (Dona) are still dating.. she was seen with artur not because they're dating.. exes can be friends.. xD
Also LatinOlover00 did this master class thigny which unfortunately i missed :P it was like tips on stuff... xD Also the first part of my woozworld movie came out.. its called How IT Happened.. xD Featuring -
Cupcake (not a deadline member)
Tell me if i missed you ill add u in.. xD
This was actually based off of a story i wrote a little edited. xD Excuse the first part where hope and lissa were acting OVERLY girly xD

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