Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sparkz of Love Contest~Cookie Style x3

Oki so we all know someone famous is gonna win that Sparkz of Love contest right...and im thinking like...a lot of people on woozworld are saying its unfair....so...i was like..well why dont i create my own contest so that "regular" woozens can win :D oki so its kinda the same thing...but...different....oki its nothing like the original one x3
Heres watcha gotta do :D

How To Enter: 
Step #1: Read this post :D
Step #2: Message me (XxCrazy-CookiexX) on woozworld saying you want to enter Sparkz of Love contest <3
Step #3: Pair up with a buddy (boy/girlfriend, best friend, sister etc.) and take 5pictures with a Valentines theme (doesnt have to be wearing the new clothes
Step #4: Message me again saying you've finished taking the pictures  and tell me which album to look at (i prefer you make one for this contest)
Step #5: Send me an original love poem (one you make up) x3
Step #6: Post on my wall -gives monkey shaped cookie- (not really :P)

Rule #1: If you help someone enter you cant enter the same pictures i.e If Vel enters and uses Chan as her buddy, Chan cannot submit the same pics
Rule #2: You can wear the same clothes in every picture OR you may change outfits
Rule #3: Step5 must be at least 3+ lines long
Rule #4: Be creativy, try using a decorated background (it will help your chances on winning)
Rule #5: If you are apart of Deadline you can can can can enter :D
Rule #5: Don't stalk someone else's pictures and copy them

First Place: 200wooz and a special shout out on Deadline :D
Second Place: 100wooz and a shout out on Deadline :D
Third Place: 50wooz and a shout out on Deadline :D   

 Good Luck to everyone who decides to enter x3 And yea :D please enter oh yea :P almost forgot The winner will be announced on Valentines Day <3


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