Tuesday 16 April 2013


hey again .. most of the bloggers have posted their blogging life .. that inspires me.. so today i will post my blogging life !

I was playing girlsgogames.com.. soo i clicked on one option called " social games "... welll at that time i was not knowing much about online games... when i clicked that many games such as stardoll ,woozworld , weeworld and much more games appeared. i clicked on woozworld.. my first account on woozworld was fasionvista... i played that account almost nearly 1 year.. than one day i chanced my pass.. and when i tried to restart the pass was invalid :'(.... ma email was also fake ! than one of my friend game me the account of girlygirlsofa... i was not happy with that account cuz of that weird name.7 months passes alway using that account.. than i suddenly think of changing the account. than i made merliahxD account. merliahxD is a name of my fav barbie movie " barbie in a mermaid tale ". merliahxD account was very lucky for me.. because at the first day i go 2000 wooz.. second day i became VIP for a month and i got many BFF'S  like jilly, laura, fashy, angy and most important ma princess mal !

the first woozworld blog i saw was " the wooz team ".. chickenyay was star of the week... and when i go trough this account i saw his status " plzz visit wooz team blog "... i just go trough his blog and that blog inspired me a lot ! i was just a fan of that blog ! that time i had not hear the name of deadline. one day i met vel in one of the maze. i clicked her account and her status showed " plzz visit woozworld deadline "... i searched for woozworld deadline... and i became deadline's such a great fan and i cant even satyed without it ! one day i met vel in her fishy unit.. and told all ma opions about deadline.

one day i was on deadline and suddenly i got a pm of nachim... she asked me wether i wanted to join her blog or not.. i agreed with her ... woozworldwondergirl was the first blog which i was member ..... second was different, third was creatorz, forth was headline, fifth was edition, sixth was express and finally deadline ! becoming blogs member i met soo many nice peeps like... lvvy, jilly, vel, kiki, lcy, nacho and much more !


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