Sunday 10 February 2013

woozworld scary story 1

Hey woozens!!! As some of you may already know, I LOVE writing and horror movies/stories c: whats better than that? writing a horror story of course c: there is this really creepy chain post story i found in my email o.0 and i decided to make it into a woozworld related short story, here it is:

Once upon a time, there was a woozen named Rocky,  She was the new, and she was pretty popular (: But there was a group of girls that hated Rocky, because she had become more popular than them. So they set out for revenge... One day she was standing by herself outside, next to an open sewer where construction was going on, minding her own buissness when The leader of the mean girls pushed Rocky down the open sewer, thinking it would be funny for her to have to be saved by the construction workers. Rocky fell down... down... down... The mean girls her a very loud THUD! and ran off, The contruction workers also heard this thud, the brought Rocky back from the sewer, she was dead. She had broken every bone in her body when she fell. When questioned about Rocky's death the Mean girls said nothing. The next day, The leader of the mean girls was in the bathroom, doing her hair for school, When she heard a little song "I'm going to get you, i'm going to get you.." The mean girl was very scared by this a hurriedly rushed for the door, But she couldn't open it she pulled, and pulled and pulled but it wouldn't budge! Th creepy sing sing voice was getting closer... and closer.. the mean girl saw the broken figure of Rocky behind her, The mean girls mother rushed into the bathroom, to find her daughter all but dissapeared, the next day, They founf her in the same sewer they found Rocky in, all the bones in her body broken, dead. and one by one, All of the mean girls were found the same exact way.. And Rocky got her revenge. 
I hope u guys like this! it a really creepy chain horror story i read in my email earlier... except it's adapted for woozworld!! 
Morale of the story: Don't bully; bad things will 

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