Saturday 9 February 2013

woozworld football??

TheLordOfSwag, has invented a new kind of game for wzw, football!!!!! He has people play on the field, with different sayings to indicate diff things in the game, here are some of them: 
To throw or pass, u have to say there name (throw it to bob for exp.)
Right side is offence.
to intercept a ball, u have to stand in front of the person whilst they are throwing it, and say "reverses"
The other woozen has to make contact with the woozen with the ball for it to be a tackle
4 tries to get a touchdown, then the teams switch sides, no 1st downs
wait 5 seconds before tackling the quarterback
Thats about it! i think this is really really cool, and i congragulate TheLordOfSwag on his creativity!! I have a hunch this is gonna become a popular thing, teams even switch out, and there is a certain time a game starts, The last game started a 6 o'clock p.m. It's soo cool c: They even have a team uniform! but they dont let girls play =.=  I just thought this was really cool, and that i had to give TheLordOfSwag some credit! shout out to TheLordOfSwag! (i hope to have the interview up soon)


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