Friday 1 February 2013

True Chizz~What do you mean WHAT?!

Do you guys have those friends that are like "What? What? What? Wait,what?" and your trying to explain it to them over and over and over again...and their not paying you anny attention and the whole time they're like "what?" and STILL not paying attention and after a while you get to the point where its like...
and then they're all sad and you're like..gosh i didnt mean it in that way but i mean come on! stop saying what. remember what you say! its so annoying.LIKE BFGUW ERGBHRBGUYRG stoppp and then theyre like sorry i cant remember and you're like then start to remember. i hate typing bleh so i am not gonna always repeat for you and ur like grrr . and they're like sorry and then u guys r best friends again!:) till it happens again and ur like PSH. IM DONE *flies away on magical unicow* and then youre just like...

So yea like...if your gonna hang with a friend...actually have a conversation with them and pay attention because you going back and forth between people is annoying and flat out rude so either focus on one person/thing or just say you dont wanna hang right would save A LOT of time ans effort =-=

:P this was Ava's first True Chizz (she doesnt know she actually doesnt NEED me to do one :P) but yea...

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