Sunday 10 February 2013

Swimmer Event Thingy C:

Oki so today Jenny had her Swimmer thingy again and because V-day is comming up she had the unit decorated up all special I thought it would be cute if max was there to but..ya know....btw its not over ATM it actually just started :P i just wanted to post abt it now anyways the first race just ended and here are ze winners
Becca (far left trapped behind a heart) and Taye (standing on the third tile from the left)
 isnt the unit pwetty ^.^ anyways turns out Jenny messed up and froze she she didnt know which one of them actually won she she said they both win c: and they both got to go up on stage with Jenny and ze usual prize c: and i saw Glitz there (second on in line on ze lil read tiles) and she said absolutely nothing c: so yea im guessing thats just how its gonna be for a while....anyways you guys know how this event works hope u guys had fun (if you went or are planning to go) and Congratz to all the winners c: adios


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