Friday 8 February 2013

*Find Your Valentine*

Hey! C: Eva here, and no I'm not actually writing bout how to find your valentuine xD What I'm really writing bout is....The unit called Find Your Valentine!! :3 Well it's been on hot all day. So the unit is like a place and it has people that help you find your valentine or something..I haven't really actually gotten in the unit cuz there's always a queue for me, since I cant get ahead cuz I aint Vip xP Well the people they ask questions bout you then pair you up with someone like you..well I think that's how it works xD

Here's a pic of it :3:

:3 I <3 the colors of it, they're so PRETTY xD Well I think this unit is good for people who are looking for someone, well yea. And I think the design of it is cooool. And well ppl must like it if it's been at like the top of hot now like all day xD
So yeah thats the unit called Find Your Love, I'm not actually doing a segement or anythin I just saw it had been on hot now all the time so I thought I really should post bout it xD

That's all for now <3
~Eva xx <3 (Still haven't gotten to making a logo :3)

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