Wednesday 23 January 2013

Hot Now, New Fashions & Stop Bullying! :p

Aloha! x) Well I was looking at hot now cuz I was bored and wanted somewhere to go x3 And I saw this unit and second of hot now:
EEEEEP Elmo & Ze Cookie Monster!!!!!!!!!!! Epic right??? I think its so amazing! I Just love it! It's even in front of a free deadmau thing. (Btwz It might've changed in hot now who knows xP)

Ok next :p The new fashions are totally epic! I wish I had enough wooz to buy the whole girls side of the collection but sadly I only had enough to 2 items xP I Want the outfit Mya is wearing so bad!!! Its so adorbz! Anyways I wanted to share some pics of you rocking the new outfits! So email me: a pic of you wearing the new outfits! Mix and match and have fun! :p I will share my faves here so yeah...xD

Last thing I wanted to talk about was bullying. Bullying isnt right and can lead to cutting and even suicide so wear your caps and join justin125i's stop bullying groub like me! Just message justin to join! Help stop bullying!
EsXUlg on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

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