Sunday 20 January 2013

Hacker DD-WzWz-Snobo

Aye Y'all it's me Noldog. Well today ima show you a hacker. I hate hackers. Even though one of my best

 friends is one lol. My friend is basthehacker. He has 2 billion wooz lol. Well anyway's. Today ima show you

 DD. He is one of the best hackers in woozworld. He has been tiny shamwooz changing color's etc. It's

 pretty cool actually. Well today... somehow he got the new fashion. o.o he was wearing it so all the boys

have the new fashion before it came out xD. The Fashion... the fashion is really cool. It's kinda like you

 would wear if your going to the mall.. the movies.. a date.. anything like that. One More Thing... Don't forget

 about my logo contest XD. Well... here is a pic of DD-


Aight Peace -Noldog

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