Wednesday 23 January 2013

Crossword reminder

Nobody really entered this contest, so please guys give it a shot!:

So you think you know deadline?
This is the ultimate crossword challenge for any woozen that thinks of themselves as the biggest fan of deadline! Complete it and win 150 wooz! Send the answers to!
What to do:Take a screen shot of the puzzle, fill it out yourself and then email me the completed puzzle. *You just need to click the boxes right there and type a letter!
 You can also click this link to find the puzzle but you still gotta take a screen shot xD
Members cannot enter, but you can do it for fun :)

2. Which woozen wrote a woozen article about the latest
trends;Deadline Elite Page.
4. Which gang members descriptor is THE MOD?
5. Whats the name of the deadline magazine?
7. Who interviewed Aeropostale?
9. Name the Fashion Spotlight model who is wearing
manga face?
10. How many new bloggers did we just recruit?
11. Vel the editor just made an edit for...?
12. What is the owner of deadline's nickname?
13. On the header,which woozen is on the most left?
14. What are deadline fans called?

1. On the joke bar, "what do demons drink"?
3. Whose the blogger of the month?
6. How many official bloggers are there?
8. Which blogger owns the page "true chizz"?

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