Tuesday 18 December 2012

Quitting Deadline =(=

Hey Guys I know this is a VERY tough! decision but im Quitting deadline :/ yeha like people would say why the heck am I gonna quit in this amazing Blog, Well, I got lots of reasons I just can't stay on deadline
and there are alot of reasons WHY I HAVE TO LEAVE deadline, were going back to usa..I have to have my exams in this school so I can transfer to my school on usa! (yeah PAIN! -_-) ....I still have stuff to focus in stuff besides internet xD and I just cant STAY on this blog..I really want to but I cant...well there are alot more reasons but people just dont get it..im NOT gonna quit woozworld but I will remain playing on woozworld and Im still on team deadline, I will still be reading deadline..I just made a plan/schedule on time for woozworld, stufy, friends, internet websites, ETC so I wont get much problems yeha like watevur xD and yeah yeah some people will think that I am quitting deadline because I got put on blogger on trial..NOOO! -_- and I clearly understand why i got put in trial because I dont post often well Bye! I mean this is my last post on deadline so seeya! xD =)=

A Sad with a Mix of Happiness
-Syd =(=

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