Sunday 23 December 2012

Popularity is too much sometimes

Hi Deadliners,
Well the topic would kind of getting you into your head because of what I'm saying but I mean this on woozworld and it happens on woozworld. Well there is one person who got stuck into popularity and that is vickytje (my sissy) Well I'll tell you her story right from the beginning.

Well one time I came to her adoption centre and she added me so I bonded with vicky more often and more often. Then we both decided to become sisters and so we were like awesome sisters and my other sis Catty was vicky twin so we use to always hang out with each other.

We use to goof around on unitz that we thought weren't good enough (that always our goofy days) and use to laugh our heads off and always make jokes about them and always bond on that day.

We use to always go to late night and we use to pc each other what queue number we are and hopefully get in all together too see the late night show with mya and like be the 3 sisters who loved each other so much.

Well that was the time when she was dating nick005 but then Nick and Vicky both had a massive fight and broke up. One Friday at late night vicky pc me saying she likes Art. So I was stupid enough to get vicky and art together (it was a big mistake)

Everything changed! Vicky got into the popularity side and got stolen away by art into being rich and famous and being looked up to on woozworld! She never pc us that day on if felt like she left Catty and I out.

Every late night she would be with art getting heaps of votes while Catty and I are sitting on the other side waiting for her to notice us but it never would happened she was too busy thinking of art then her 2 best sister who were before art.

Just recently she got stolen away by lat too. Thats also a huge mistake (lat and I can't stand each other) She also got stolen by that too much she was known and everyone wanted to go up to her and Catty and I were just standing there trying to be as helpful as we can.

So this whole story is don't get into the popularity you miss your friends who were there with you all the way.

Kind Wishes

Maddytwo xoxo

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