Sunday 23 December 2012

How well do you know Deadline~Results for my how well do you know Deadline thing I posted I got alot of entries <3 not really alot like 16 ppl did the form -_- and only one person got them all correct....People got most of the same ones wrong -_- hopey and gingey did the SS party -_- not gingey and tar vel went first for blog awardz so u should have said "None of the Above" and did u just not notice the TOP 5 WITH AERO!!!! and on the joke bar -_- thats me and gingey not me and vel pfft, you guys hurt mesh feelings DX rofl well anyways the form is still up waiting for the second person to get them all right but cuz i just gave u 4 answers....its over sowwy D: nobody is going to get that 100wooz but the 1st winner will get her 300wooz tbh i was a lil sad tho :P 2 deadline regulars got em wrong and i was like 0-0 HOW!?!?!? but anyways as always I like to build suspense to find out who won so click the pic below to see the winner of the 300wooz :D
Btw i said MOST PEOPLE got those questions wrong so if you got it right and its one of the questions most ppl got wrong then dont tell me cyz it was some ones ppl got wrong too...and btw.....JennaTheKitty and Nicegirl005 are the 2 newest members -_- not Justin125i and Rockstar626e 
Note: You have 24 hours to claim your prize or you get nothing and like it :)

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