Monday 17 December 2012

One last thing

So some of the trial members are about to be removed from their position on deadline.....and I just want you all to know that if you got's your own fault, I'm friends with all but one of the trial members but lets get this straight I'm not voting you in just because we're friends a couple of my friends they did an awesome job the others that are my took gingey yelling at you guys to post so don't come back the next day sad because you didn't get in acting all sad because it's your own fault and I'm not gonna feel sorry for you especially if I had to correct you before Vel saw one of your post titles for using bad language -_- lucky I saw it first or Vel would have been kicked you out EVEN VIOLET!!! she just came from a trial and I saw her with a post giving you some tips, and you didn't even take the before you go into that chatbox and cry because you didn't get in to me and gingey and everyone else....should I really have gotten to trial if I only posted twice? Should I really have expected my friends to vote me in just 'cause we're friend? I can answer those questions right now for you.....NO!!!

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