Friday 14 December 2012

Kitty Hat Raffle :P

So after I tell you what this is about.....I think hopey will become ur fav EVER!!!! rofl already ur fav :D rofl jk :P but anyways I'm having a kitty cat hair raffle and its.......COLORABLE!!! mhm......told you you'd love me for ever <3 so this is how this is gonna work ur woozen name to Note: do not message me your name on woozworld because I have 162 messages and will not read yours...sowwy =^.^= and then in 3 days my lil sis will pick some random person Note: she is 5 so you know its REALLY random :P and obviously who ever she picks gets the top.Note: even members can enter this raffle I have no say in who gets it at all so If you don't win....blame the 5yr old :P Note: if you really do blame the 5yr old I WILL go off on you :) remember you have 3 days to send me your name and you can only send in your name once Note: sorry its blurry I didnt wanna save it cuz I was lazy :P and you never know if you dont win this kitty may win another one...I have 4 of them they're all colorable :D

~Your Loving Stalker, 

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