Saturday 15 December 2012

Hopey says GoodBye :')

Hey ppl so I'm guessing the title as you thinking...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT LEAVE ME WITH THESE PPL!!!! well relax im not leaving wzw or deadline any time soon, I left for big bear this morning and im over here freezing!! its snowing and it feel like -30 degrees out here so please, if you would like to send me some hot chicken soup the address is 761w 142nd street Note: that is not real i repeat that is not real!!! Warning: if you send soup to that address and its real then omg ur gonna have some confused ppl so anyways I didn't have time to post my goodbye tis morning so im saying WELCOME TO BIG BEAR if you have no idea what big bear is then just start smiling and clapping like a retarted seal rofl anyways I'm in big bear and I wont be on deadline cb or wzw for 3 weeks DX dont cry to much ima miss most of my chatbox friends :P especially mesh fudge bby <3 well bye people and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year im off to go play cabin games in the snw and eh maybe find a "snow buddy" :P Note: My Kitty Hat raffle will still continue and the winner will be posted in 2 days so if you want to enter the raffle email me ur woozen name @

~Bye everyone ily
                             Hopey <3 
People I will miss the most in random order 
WackyTacky555 (not a member and doesnt hang in the box with us)
Note: If I didnt add you then sowwy but if you know I dont like u that much and u weren't added then that was on purpose :P   

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