Monday 3 June 2013

Headers Bck! ;D

So.. after about 45 mins. trying to get a way to make the header the right size... ZEBBY CAME TO THE RESCUE AND GOT THE SIZE RIGHT! xD this is the back ground she picked:
we can change it or what ever and discuss the back ground, and I can edit it to be brighter if thats a problem.. but the point is.. ITS THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THE HEADER! So.. because ice and I dont have macs.. we couldnt use vels editor, so thats why I did the warning, no header thingy, btw, the header will be created AFTER the trials! That way the new bloggers can be included! Also, I sent out messages today, Ishaylas 6th day of trial, so u guys have the rest of today and all of tomorrow to cast ur vote, in or out for shay, because I know theres different time zones!

~Gewhana and the Owners Of Deadline

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