Friday 5 April 2013

Find Ze Bunnies ;D

Hey peoples, so remember when gewhana posted abt the Lil challenge thing where u had to find Jenny's bunnies? Well I'm epic so now I'm going to tell u where they all are x3 Roflmao YW!!!!! Oki soooooo i was gonna take pics....but i suck and kept freezing ;D so ima just list them all cuz well.....I'm awesome :p btw i have no idea how late i am on this but i just saw someone ask where the bunnies where soooooo yea ;D

1. Jenny's Bedroom
2. Slide 'n'Climb
3. WooPetz Shop
4. Funz Shop
5. Booya
6. OMZ Garden
7. WW Amusement park
8. WooPetz Training Center
9. Jenny's Office
10. Stop Bullying HQ

And yea those are the places ;D Ooooooh and i totally forgot abt my easter fashion contest with all the updates and designs we have to do for deadline x3 i love saying that lol but anyways ima post the winner later aaaaaaaaand so yea ;D

New Logo Coming Soon ;D I Would Have A Contest But...I Rather Just Make On Than Pray Someone Gets The Logo How I Actually Want It :P Lol

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