Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hi Deadliners

This May Be My Last Post For A While
As For I Have Cancer And Im Forgetting Some Stuff
Because Im In Shock I Wont Be Able To Remember Anything Anymore
I Might Even Forget WoozWorldDeadline And WoozWorld And My Friends
ScarletGoesRawr Has Forgot Stuff As Well .. Looks Like We Could Be Twins
Only I Have Cancer ... Its Only Starting Im Booked For The Hospital Tomorrow Due To My Cousin Having Cancer It Goes Through The Family To Me Or My Sister Or My Bros But IT Went To Me So Because Of The Shock I'm Not Being Able To Remember Stuff But By 2 Or 1 Day Im Forgetting Everything Almost Doctor Said
I've Forgot A Few Friends Already - XxmallyXx

1 comment:

  1. Dang...thats crazy to have cancer at such a young age man in in shock just reading this dang....i hope u beat it but that's crazy to know you have to fight for yo life harder than everyone else....hard enough we gotta live in this world like it is then u get cancer...thats messed up...cancer beat ma aunt abt a month ago a d ma lol bro aas taking away so I kinda know what u goin threw but that's crazy
