Tuesday 21 August 2012

Z-Princess Day! :)

Hi woozens,
let me just say... SIX FLAGS WAS AWESOME, but anyways... Vel doesn't want anybody except for Ginny talking about personal life.. -.-
Alright so anyways, i just want to talk about... FASHION, well... duh... Alright, so they're are 3 ways you can wear the Z-Princess hair with an outfit, one of them personally i like most. But instead of talking let's get to pictures! :D Okay, here's an easy one(:
If your gonna do this, here's a DO and DON'T list!
  • DO: Use a simple hair color like blond, brown, or black
  • DON'T: Use a bright color that will wash out your outfit and totally not go!
  • DO: Use 2-3 Colors for something like this
  • DON'T: Make most of the stuff one color, even it out a bit


That, if you ask me personally isn't my favorite way to wear Z-Princess hair! Little too bright and 'Neonica'
The next outfit i'll be showing you is my favorite... are you ready? For the big reveal are you ready!? Are you ready!? Mkayy, i think your ready...

OKI, i LOVEE this outfit, it's something you may want to consider!(: If you don't know what the heck im talking about, it's the hair! The hair is magical.. a bright colored hair like that will make you stand out soo well! Especially with colors like black and white for clothing!


I've seen outfits with NO pop of color, NONE... and thats not something anybody should go for! Thats just totes drab... i took a picture to show you an example.
 Yes i know, your right its a cute outfit! And it's exactly the same as the one above, but i don't like this one as much. It's not bright enough. It nevver pops, it's not my thing. It may be yours but deffs not mine! So let this be a lesson, if you wear an outfit with black and white its gonna look like your in an old century. So with your hair, fancy it up a bit! Even with this color hair, it's adorable... but wear a good hair color. Even if it is brown or blond DON'T DO THAT. It's a total no!

i hope this helped with fashion today my lovelies(:
Have a wonderful, Z-princess and fun-filled day!

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