Hey chicas. This is going to be a new kind of post for me. Since everyone is doing kinda the same thing I decided that I should follow Tiny's advice and be original. So I've decided to do an advice post. My first topic is going to be friends. How to make friends in woozworld, how to deal with friends, all that jazz. Lets get started.
How To Make Friends
Me and PurpleLipsCutie |
Seeing A New Member: Did you ever see a new member walking around the world before? You know how they just stand there.. kinda alone... not really sure what to do? Well, instead of ignoring them try talking to them. They are people too just like you. They dont bite. Private chat them, or even message them. Invite them to come hang with your friends. Make them feel welcome. Dont know what to talk about? Find things you both are interested in.. get to know each other. Many say opposites attract, but I think people with similar interests attract. There's nothing more boring than a conversation with someone you cant relate to, right? Having trouble keeping the conversation going? That's fine. I can totally understand that. Just bring up other topics like music, sports, television, school (ew), ANYTHING. If you guys are talking about idk music, and the conversation dies, just talk about something new like.. LLAMAS :'D I'm sure just the fact that you are talking to them will make that person feel special. If they start to beg for free clothes.. or money.. or anything (HATE THAT), even though you may not want to I think you should at least give them a small gift. After all, they are new to woozworld. Just be kind and compassionate. Good luck!
Me and PurpleLipsCutie |
Seeing A Long Time Player: Now if you're a new member things are different, right? You're not really familiar with the game so you are kinda confused.. am I right? Talk to someone! That's the first step into making friends. Pc or message someone asking for help because you're new to woozworld. Ask them if they can show you around woozworld, give you a tour and an idea of what its like. Maybe along the way you guys will get more comfortable talking to each other. Thats when you start to get to know one another. Find similar interests such as music, sports, television, etc. Talk about anything you guys want. The point is that you're talking, and thats the first step to friendships. Now PLEASE do not beg for wooz, beex, clothes, etc. People find that annoying. If you ask the wrong person things could get crazy. Just stay away from the begging game. Always remember, be kind and compassionate. Good luck!
Anyways, thats it for now chicas! Ill hopefully be able to post more advice. Toodles for now!
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