Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Its Time...The RESULTS!

Hey chicas! This is the moment you've all been waiting for... not really... just go with it :'D I have the results for my logo contest. I KNOW you just cant WAIT to see them. But you're going to have to wait ;) Jk lol. But seriously guys this took me forever to decide. I honestly loved all the edits, but I had to pick the top 6. So here are the winners from 6th place to 1st. 






and now...

for the moment of truth...

I, jessy995e...

present to you...

the WINNING logo...

Congratz to everyone who won :D Ill message each of the winners so you can collect your prize (everyone who won gets 100 wooz, 1st place winner gets 100 wooz plus the prize they selected in the form)  To those who didnt win, GOOD JOB! This was seriously hard. Better luck next time! :)

Special Shout Out To Adrianacool545. Sadly I couldn't bare to eliminate someone because all the edits were so good. I just decided to give her a shout out and 50 wooz for her hard work. Congratz!

Thats it for now chicas. Toodles!

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