Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Daisy's Advice :o!

Hey Hey Deadliners ;D Okie I think the Title says enough but I'm gonna do Advice ;D I'm not AWESOME at Advice's but why not try? Okie so today's Advice would be how to join Deadline, Cuz I've been getting messages like how the heck do you get onto Deadline!? So here are the tips:
1. The form: Make it interesting like use full sentences, Here's an example? Why do you want to join Deadline: Becuase I lve Deadline. See? That had incorrect spelling and just because you love Deadline doesn't mean your gonna get on it.
2. Slack of posting: One thing about it: It gets you kicked off :3 And bam! It's over.
3. Interest: Make your post something interest not about your life :I Its not a diary I'm pretty sure.
4. Do something Woozworld related: Videos/Tips/Fashion blah blah xD

I know it's only 4 Tips but that's pretty much it I'm guessing ;D E-mail me at if you want me to do one of YOUR advices ;) Name it: (Something) Deadline because I got a LOT of Junk in ma trunk XD

Ze Lover- Daisylove27!

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