Zebby here!(: I know it's only 1 post in between my other post. But I am on Blogging Fever!(:
So, I am like shaking alot, Wanna know why?! I am nervous that I won't get onto Deadline! I will do a about me post(:
Years played: 3(:
Just an FYI I don't date online because to me it would seem like I was cheating on my BF in real...
Color: Light Blue, White
Animal: Zebra Duh(:
Song: Forever Now By Ne-Yo and Had me at hello By Olivia Holt
Food: Chocolae
Celeb: Hard to pick just 1(:
Hobbie: Woozworld & Texting & Sports
Sport: Softball & Volleyball
Tv Show: Shake it up
Book: Hunger Games & Wake
Face: x3 & C:
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip
Online Game: Woozworld x3
Social Media: Facebook
Numbers: 8,13,24
Hehe So that was some things about me(: I am pretty sure it's not Legal in the Deadline Rule book for you to say your age or where you live or show a pic of you but I will ask Tinay bout that haha Well, Cya round! Hopefully I will still be on Deadline after today!! I am so nervous!
(Making new logo as you read)
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