Sunday, 31 March 2013

Shades Of Blue!

Before I start this post, I just wanted to say I took tiny's evaluation into consideration but there isn't much going on that people haven't already posted so, right now fashion is the only thing I can post about.

3llo deadliners! This outfit created by yunniexx is absolutely adorble! The top goes so well with that cute little skirt. The shoes give it kind of a more sassy kind of look but still makes the outfit look even more cute! The hair just tops it all off. I love the little purse accessory. It's perfect for this outfit. I also love the color of the blue! It looks more of a navy blue color. This is one of the best outfits sent in. Overall this outfit is absolutely amazing! It's super cute and could be worn for a date or a day in the mall!

What it's made of:

Hair: Cute alter ego hair (110 wooz)
Top: Heart blazer (95 wooz)
Legs: Japanese school girl skirt (45 wooz)
Shoes: wns heels (78 wooz)

Be my next model? 

Well that's all for now(;

~bye luvies~
(Don't have a sign off yet)