Saturday, 16 February 2013

Woozworld Outfits ~ Style of the bloggers

So I have pics of the bloggers from here. So I decided to do a part on this called "Style of the bloggers" where you can style yourself like some of the bloggers are.
(I put there name down if you can't tell who they are)
I did 2 collages with them so there's gonna be plenty of outfits. I tried doing all the bloggers. But I didn't have a pic of Ariebellah (Sorry Ariebellah) (P.S. Doing all of the outfits from memory since woozworld is STILL DOWN) Also some parts of the outfit might be missing. So i'll give you some of it. So good luck matching the outfit then :)
First Collage:

AmandaCupcake's (1st) Outfit:
Hair: Summer camp cutie hair
Torso: Bustier dress
Legs: Shorts or a skirt
Foot: Winter boots

AmandaCupcake's (2nd) outfit:
Hair: I forgot :( Good luck finding the hair
Torso: Friday dress
Legs: Skirt or shorts
Foot: Sneakers (forgot what kind)

XxAvabellexX's outfit:
Hair: Prom queen hair (something like that since it was released for prom 2012)
Torso: Duck t-shirt
Legs: Adventure Shorts
Foot: Nico slippers

XxCrazyCookiexX's outfit:
Hair: Two toned hair (Something like that I know it has two toned in it..)
Torso: (It has no name)
Foot:: I don't really regonize the shoes

Collage 2:
Velvet-Foreva's outfit:
Hair: Two toned (something something)
Torso: (It has no name)
Legs: Good luck matching..
Feet: Good luck matching

-Genevieve-'s outfit:
Hair: Jennywooz cat ears
Torso: I have no idea so good luck matching..
Legs: Good luck matching
Feet: Good luck matching it

Ginger1752's outfit:
Hair: (Forgot what it's called)
Torso: (Forgot what it's called)
Legs: Shorts (forgot what type)
Feet: Those sneakers from the 2013 new year's eve collection

Evalicious-xx's outfit:
Hair: Mya's tiger ears
Torso: Ballerina torso
Legs: Some type of shorts
Foot: Some type of sneakers

Isabella-Foreva's outfit:
Hair: Finally remembered. It's the two toned undercut hair
Torso: A student sweatshirt
Legs: Sweet skirt (Or some type of skirt)
Foot: I got no idea

Sorry for the long post.

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