Friday 8 February 2013

TrueChizz~YOLO-You Only Lack Orignality

Oki so, you ever have this girl....who is kinda ur friend...but not ur friend at the same time...and she copys everyone...and just abt EVERYTHING they do and when you confront her abt it she decides to be sad and play the age card and say....
 and see...what all the people who say that fail to realize...YOUR AGE HONESTLY DOESNT MATTER! its 11 year olds, 10 years old, heck even some 9 years olds that have their own creativity just because your younger than me doesnt mean im going to treat you differently ESPECIALLY if you act like your older than me sometimes and then the ppl like this want to sit up and call you mean and wanna say your jealous but its like...
 AND THEN!!! they think they can make up for it by making you something special and ur like....really...u actually stole my idea...accused me of something i didnt do...and u think im sorry is going to fix must be mistaken honey, i didnt work hard on my idea for you to go and steal it, so your little "I'm sorry" means nothing to me. So tbh, the lesson here is use your own creativity! because people dont work hard on things for their so called "friends" to go and steal their ideas (:

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