Sunday 10 February 2013

Sparkz of Love Contest: Cookie Style~ Reminder

How To Enter: 
Step #1: Read this post :D
Step #2: Message me (XxCrazy-CookiexX) on woozworld saying you want to enter Sparkz of Love contest <3
Step #3: Pair up with a buddy (boy/girlfriend, best friend, sister etc.) and take 5pictures with a Valentines theme (doesnt have to be wearing the new clothes
Step #4: Message me again saying you've finished taking the pictures  and tell me which album to look at (i prefer you make one for this contest)
Step #5: Send me an original love poem (one you make up) x3
Step #6: Post on my wall -gives monkey shaped cookie- (not really :P)

Rule #1: If you help someone enter you cant enter the same pictures i.e If Vel enters and uses Chan as her buddy, Chan cannot submit the same pics
Rule #2: You can wear the same clothes in every picture OR you may change outfits
Rule #3: Step5 must be at least 3+ lines long
Rule #4: Be creativy, try using a decorated background (it will help your chances on winning)
Rule #5: If you are apart of Deadline you can can can can enter :D
Rule #5: Don't stalk someone else's pictures and copy them

First Place: 200wooz and a special shout out on Deadline :D
Second Place: 100wooz and a shout out on Deadline :D
Third Place: 50wooz and a shout out on Deadline :D   

 Good Luck to everyone who decides to enter x3 And yea :D please enter oh yea :P almost forgot The winner will be announced on Valentines Day <3

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