Sunday 10 February 2013

Some Helpful things for my Baby Bloggers

 Ello peoples....I'm sharing these tips with you again epic and this time I marked in RED the ones i think are super important c: so it would be read those marked ones....

1. when you post actually make it interesting, for example just abt every blogger adds color or a pic to their post in some way (im a perfect example of that :) 
2. Try hard to make ur week useful, just cuz u got on trial doesnt mean ur gonna be fully on deadline when trial is up
***3. when you post keep it wzw or blog related , when i say blog related i dont mean bash on bloggers btw***
 4. when you post..dont do a 5 sentence post and space it out and make the text extra huge so it looks like its a page long..its annoying and tbh it makes me wanna smack you
***5. dont come up with that lame excuse "i dont know what to post" um hello...have u been on woozworld lately? its always something to post tbh***
***6. dont re-peat someone elses post, if you noticed someone else has alreay posted abt the Sparkz of Love contest...dont post abt it again saying the exact same thing, theres no point in that***
***7. Try to make urself noticeable take this time to get to know some of the full bloggers. Tbh we actually wanna help you and if you take the time to reach out and ask we notice that and it shows your actually trying (:***
***8. please dont think because you have friends in the blog that you're already in..idk abt the rest of the bloggers but i dont vote ppl in because ur my friend and if you're my friend and dont ask me for help then im not gonna say anything to u abt it***
 ***10. be urself in your posts and around all the bloggers, dont be afraid to show ur personality in your posts, and tbh we know you're excited but you dont have to keep saying it and keep saying over and over how ur gonna try hard and hope u get in...theres nothing more annoying than ppl kissing up to bloggers to get in***

notice how most of it is in red besides 3.....that means everything...all these tips i gave important...USE THESE TIPS!!!

and btw idk if some f you noticed but vel added "Blogger Rules" to the side tabs 
So yea...those are ze rules....those are ze tips....use them as you wish...dont use em if you dont wanna...BUT IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED YOU USE THESE TIPS AND FOLLOW THESE BLOGGING RULES

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