Saturday, 16 February 2013

Nothing To Do >.<"


This is most likely the longest time Woozworld has ever been shut down updating :/ Sucks D: Because we got nothing to do or post about!

So I'm gonna show you some old edits/pictures and some info about it xD

1. I was bored and was trying to make a fire-themed logo and ended up with this crazy edit XD It's kind of freaky ._.

2. I made this collage to go with Part. 1 of an original Woozworld movie me and my bestiez made :P Check it out on my channel : LovelyStopz

3. I was bored when I made this XD I'm still against bullying o.- I sent it into Woozworld and it's now on their Facebook :D

4. A picture from the movie shown in 2, 'The Ghost' .... still a fun picture :P

5. These two people are both me XD Trust me. I edited the picture and it was for my lyric video, 'Mine'. Be sure to check that out too! (Channel reminder: LovelyStopz)

So that's about it, hope you enjoyed my kinda random post....It was fun digging out memories stored inside photos :P

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