Tuesday, 12 February 2013

New Updates =^.^=

Hey guys remember today they were Updating Again :o Well Mya had a suprise late night show xx and she showed us these brand new Featurez And explained these also she teased us with a new contest to be coming up soon 

Anwzyyyzzz lets get to it :D
New feature = Babiz :o ikr children in Woozworld soon everyone would be able to buy a Brand new Woopetz Called Babiz its  A actual woozen baby heres a look
 This is Johnz Mya's lil boy ain;t he sweet XD anywayz mya stated that all the woozband has one jay, mya, max and jenny but their not adopting but babysitting lol. Anywayzzzz she said they are available for everyone sometime this week and asked us for suggestions!
Glitz7 suggestion was picked :be able to dress them up like how we dress ourselves and make them have cribz and baby furniture :o Anywayz Mya said we would be able to change the skin pacifier and their are both boys and girls. However they will look the same. We would feed them with baby bottles and clean them with Classicz soapz! But they are available  for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Mya said the all the woozband would be Babysitting. So she said a new contest is out where u can adopt the woozbandz babiz omg imagine having jenny or max's lil angels and jay lil rapper and myas baby fashionista thats like a relation to the woozband. Soooo starting this week you will be able to collect new items to win the babies

A question was sked as to if the babyiz would be able to grow into childrenz and then into full blown adultz she said no sadly not yet but maybe in the future is this the new generation of woozens!

Problems :
The babies are half as tall as a normal woozen,. they are petz :o and they have HUGE heads and you cant tell the difference between boyz and girlz!

 More updatz coming soon

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