Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Hey guys ok so f you haven't noticed there are new ice crystals and i think they give you ten points i don't know but you have to get them by buying a baby arctic leopard also if your wondering they eat the steak looking meat....ok so the new crystals have like a diamond on top of the regular ones (sorry i cant show you woozworld isn't up) and  its really cool like i didn't think woozworld would do a pet this year because last year they did a whole outfit and a pet oh and i think...think you get more points if you wear one whole arctic outfit you get more points im not sure i didn't have time to check yesterday because it was late and i had to go to bed so anyways i just wanted to tell you guys that and when woozworld comes up (if it ever does =-=) you could be sure to check it out.

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