Thursday 31 January 2013

Learning ;D

Hey Guys! This post may not be so woozworld but I thought I should give you a brief lesson x3 Oh yes, thats how horrible I am! Ok so today I'll tell you what I learned in History! I learned about Leonardo da Vinci (no this is not Leonardo DiCaprio!) The famous painter of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper:

Mona Lisa: Did you know that               The Last Supper: This painting was painter on a wall in a Church
someone stole the Mona Lisa                 and is really old! So many floods and the room next door exploded!
and made 4 copies! He sold all 4            Also some crummy artists painted over it horribly! They finally
of course rich people who                      decided to stop being cheap and get a rwal artist! And the picture
actually thought they had the                  above is the work he fixed! Beautiful right? Well the church cut a
real Mona Lisa! LOL! The guy              hole where Jesus' feet were =.= Stupid right?
gave it back but the people who
were sold the painting never turned
themselves in ;)

Leonardo was more than an artist! He was also a scientist, architect, mathematician, engineer, inventor, philosoper, and musician! Thats why he is called the Renaissance Man! Here are some sketches he made:

This was actually a Helicopter! No electricity remember? The way it worked was you would twist string around th epole until it got so tight then you let go and it would take off into the air exceot one flaw....... How would you get back down? And once the string stopped it would go back down O.O

 Lol, you won't believe what this is! This is a tank XD made of metal and moved by wheels! 4 Guys wouldbe shooting out of the holes while there was a guy on top who would have to tell the others which way to shoot (North, Sount, East, or West)

He was left handed and wrote backwards. He had a stroke and his right was paralyzed but it didn't stop him from drawing! He also used this mist kind of thing to make his paintings look "mysterious"

Also: This has been a brief learning time with Cece XD

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