Sunday 16 December 2012

Woozworld Deadline

Hello guys, I'm going to be making -maybe- my last post. And i want to say why i LOVED being a blogger on trial and all those details :) Okay so first off, if i dont make it in Thank you so much for the opourtunity to be a part of deadline it was an amazing expeirence and i love all the bloggers Thank u thank u thank u vel! Anyways, i LOVED posting because it felt like i could show u guys anything and it felt so good to be helping you all. I also loved the feeling of getting vel's message saying im going to be a blogger on trial! I also LOVED how nice the bloggers have been when i became one :D thank u -You know who u are-  And one last thing before i go is.. I tried my best to post as MUCH as possible.. I also tried my best to take time on my posts :D Thank you for letting me be here :D -Now i'll show u some pictures hehe-


                                              Thank you for making me this Tik :D

  Thank you for making me this gingey :D

Thank you for making me this too gingey c:

 ~Love, Nicey

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