Thursday 13 December 2012

How to make an ugly unitz an amazing unitz!

So hey guys! Right now i want to show you how to make an ugly unitz into an amazing unitz! This requires only a couple wooz -not so much- and lots of creativity! I wanted to do this because lots of my friends want to have cool looking unitz, but they tell me that its impossible. I want to show you that its not, well enough of the blabbering lets get started! -I'll show u a lot of pictures during this post- 

1. Get a unitz you want, and that will fit for the theme. I will be choosing Garden themed -Also be sure what theme you want your unitz to be-

2. Color the unitz any color you want it to be 

  3. Open up your inventory, And Try to find  as much themed things you have. for example, for my unitz i will have to open up my inventory and see which Gardeny type of things i have in there

4. If you dont have enough furniture then go and buy some :D -Make sure they are beex or really cheap wooz-

5. Then you want to name your unitz -Of course :P- 

Your creativity will take you from there, Just remember to stick with your theme! Thats about it, This is actually my finished product, 
 I really hoped you enjoyed my post! Thank you so much for viewing, ~Your blogger on trial, Nicegirl005 :D 

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