Thursday 20 December 2012

Holly-berry Holidays! (: FASHION STATEMENT UPDATE!

Hey everyone! It's Ginny and I know despise all the rumors and messages, I'm here to answer them! (: Well firstly I hope all of you are in amazing health and that you're all getting very EXCITED as I am for the Holidays of course! A few announcements of my absence..1) No I did not quit the Deadline and no my fashion statements are not on a ending. I was very sick with a fever, the flu, and bronchitis that I was out from I do believe last Monday to yesterday, so my healthy is improving immensely and I decided to do a FAST UPDATE for u guys just of my week and what's going on :) 2) As for the Vel and Ginny's WoozHoliday Fashion Show..I have a new set date for the GRAND WINNER on the 1st of February due to me being ill and having all the themes set up and everything I don't want all that to go to waste so I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise the experience will still be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! So you definitely will not regret entering and the Results for ROUND 1 is coming out either tonight or tomorrow for I have everything made just a few quick edits and it will be on. Now onto my second and lol almost done with Christmas statements. Now onto our statement with no more interruptions!

Today I bring you 2 very FESTIVE and PRETTY outfits all based on the New Collection that Myawooz has introduced to Woozworld. Both are based off the the VIBRANT, BEAUTIFUL color of "Raspberry Splash" as I like to call it for it does bring a HUGE "splash" of color to the bright season and I overall really do like these new styles and it's just PURR-FECT for the holidays and wintery fashion for parties and dinners!

  The 1st outfit is called "Blazer for the Holidays!" It's a very simple morning wintery FESTIVE outfit. It's definitely more for the morning and CHIC city look but you can always touch it down or up with a light pair of ballet flats or heels to make it look much more Party-like and you can always curl the hair just a few touch ups to make it look more party appropriate. I have on the GORGEOUS "Blazer and Heart Purse" shirt that just arrived recently to Woozworld. Now this top is sooo BEAUTIFUL! The lacy inner shirt is definitely brought out with the plain, classic blazer. Honestly, I do believe that every girl should have at least one plain blazer in their closet, for blazers can always warm up an outfit and make it very grown up looking and it look soo CHIC and it's such a stopper in the streets of NYC. Now it doesn't have to be very expensive, Forever 21 has some amazing look ones just a simple add on...but ZARA is much more of a beautiful blazer to lock-down the GORGEOUS look. The heart purse tides up these shirt ADORABLY! Now I have on the simple "Japanese Schoolgirl Skirt" and this just SIMPLE and PRETTY, easy everyday look for the City. To keep this look simple look for the morning, I have on the NEW "Cutsie Headband" and "Winter Boots."
   Now the 2nd outfit is definitely PARTY CLASS! It's sooo ADORABLE and PURR-FECT for the Christmas Partay of the Night!! Everything on this outfit is from the NEW Collection! I have on the "PeterPan Collar Ballerina" dress and its soo PUFFY and CUTE! It has the cutest collar, I have TONS of shirts like this for its soo cute and PeterPan is adorable ;). Over it I have the "Luscious hair with bow" it's sooo PRETTY and the little bow is soooo CUTE! Overall I just really do like this hair. Under it I have the PERKY and DIAMOND-CLAD ;).."Gold studded Heels" they are soo party material and very cute! SO try out these GORGEOUS styles this Winter and Holiday Season to brighten a morning get together or a night of total PARTY awaiting the new year!! Go beyond ur colors and work it out fashionitas! I'm sorry for the very late update and I'll get everything up to date very soon!
Goodnight my looovies,
Ginny <3


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