Tuesday 18 December 2012

Fashion Statement

So the new hairs that have came out are super cute. So I decided to make a style out of them.
Color codes:
Neon pink: FF0066
Black: 000000
Blonde: FBFBB1
Mint Green: 00484C

This includes:
Torso: Springs Night Dress 89 wooz NOT AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ buy them off of someone
Feet: Winter Boots 4 wooz NOT AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ  buy them off of someone
Hair: Luscious Hair With Bow 110 wooz AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ or buy off of someone

This Includes:
Torso: Love Shirt 71 wooz  AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ or buy off of someone
Legs: Cute Cute Shorts 47 wooz AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ or buy off of someone
Feet: Yeti Boots 350 wooz AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ or buy off of someone
Hair: Cutsie Headband 69 wooz AVALIBLE IN SHOPZ or buy off of someone


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