Tuesday 18 December 2012

Explanation :P

Well.. I wanted to give everyone who got put back on trial a good reason of why... xD So we had a deadline meeting last night (for me early this morning). And we all agreed, we have too many members! :I So we went through the list and chose who didnt post alot, posted not good posts... We decided to put you back on trial because you just rlly need to commit to the blog fully :P So I have some tips that we found problems with you...

~Good posts, we dc bout how u painted ur walls blue! Or u bought a shirt!
~If someone posted it, dont re post it! (chronicles)
~No hate posts like omg this girl said this to me!
~Dont post about ur personal issues :P we all agreed we hate when we come on deadline and see about how your car wouldnt start, or your sick today :P

Btw rlly dont need the attitude from the ppl who got trialed .-.
You deserve it :P Oh and one more thing!
~If you made an edit for some1, dont make it large or xtra large! Medium or small
~Dont just do edit posts, post bout ww!

I think u should rlly understand y u were put back on trial, we havent seen a post from u since like november :P Or your posts are like 5 words long about stupid stuff XD

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