Saturday 22 December 2012

Cozy and Comfy!

                                                                                                                    December 22, 2012
       Hello Fashionistas. How are all of you today :)? I'm fine thank you, been an interesting week and definitely an interesting come back, but that's what makes life so fantastic :D. Christmas will be here on Tuesday so YAY! Finally the season to really shine above everything! Now today I'm taking a different view and approach to the Holiday Fashion. For if you have been reading and catching and keeping up with the latest posts of Holiday Outfits, everything is more glam and more chic, definitely more on the party or meeting side to the holidays. Well today, its the TOTAL-OPPOSITE! For while you're all glam up and make-up clad, the holidays are also a time to just relax, enjoy some delicious hot choco, and open presents under the tree! Now during this process, you want to be comfy and not in 5-inch heels or sleeveless dresses, NO! You want to be in pajama pants and sweaters and furry socks xD For the holidays are totally about just chilling out so I wanted to introduce the lazier, classic side of the season's trends! Now this involves sweaters, boots, and those ADORABLE animal-styled hats! Now my all time ultimate favorite piece for the winter is definitely SWEATERS! I loove, loove sweaters for they're soo comfy and fashionable and definitely warm, that's the biggest aspect of the winter to stay warm. And they can be really body fitting or more on the looser side, depending on the sweater itself. But they just WONDERFUL for the season and they're definitely something to check up on when you're next at the mall or a local boutique everywhere has it and I'm sure all of you have seen HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of them , but they definitely are a winter MUST like the summer flip-flops.Okay enough chit-chat onto the Outfit of the Day! :)
  Now I haven't done a Outfit of the Day in quite a bit, but I really wanted to share this with you today especially since it's SWEATER-CLAD! No I didn't just share a huge, annoying paragraph to waste your time xD No it was a bring in intro to our outfit today, I call this outfit "Cozy & Comfy!" For it's totally those things if you continue reading you'll know just what I mean xD. The key target of this outfit is the sweater of course, actually the main idea of this statement is sweaters if you didn't realize yet xD! I have on the NEW "Holiday Sweater" from Myawooz's Holiday Collection that you can purchase in ShopZ or for 10% Off in ZeChic if you are a VIP, thats definitely an offer to take advantage of :). To continue my "cozy and comfy" theme I have on just some everyday "Slim Jeans," nothing really special about them just classical jeans of a solid color, but I really like how it's simple so it brings out the sweater more. Now this sweater is absolutely ADORABLE! It definitely lives up to its name due to its little like snowflake sort of print on its chest part and it's a boaky sort of style for it's rather big on the shoulders and it doesn't really bring much shape for it was designed for a guy, but a girl can always rock guys fashion ;) Never let gender stop you from wearing something! Or I'll be literally in jail by now xD. Because of how like big styled this sweater is, the slim jeans make it more feminine and bring out more shape, for I'm a teenager and I like things to be more nicely shaped and more like comfortable but it still has some shape to it and I'm sure most of you feel the same way. But if you do like more baggier clothes, you can always pair it differently. I have on the CUTEST ballet flats ever! They are the F-A-B "Sparkled Toe Flats" and honestly in my opinion these are the most CUTEST flats Woozworld has designed yet, for they actually look like true everyday flats and they don't make the feet look so big and like bigfoot look like most the other flats are, I hope at least some of you understand what I'm talking about here xD! And they're just classical flats with a little extra something, yes you guessed it..the SPARKLES! Now even with a very casual look like this, you can always bring a little girly touch to it and whats more girly than sparkles ;)? Nothing xD! I kept the hair very simple just a very high "Ponytail with Bump" and this is also from the NEW Holiday Collection, it definitely is a inside everyday ponytail with an EDGE. For the bump gives of a more done up look and the Shark-Tooth styled earrings are soo ROCKSTAR! Overall I think they pull off rather nicely with everything else in this outfit and it doesn't take away from the very classy sweater. If you did notice I have a tattoo on! Just because I thought since the hair was really high up, I just wanted a little something more to the look so I applied the "Oriental Tattooz" I do believe it's called just to wrap things up and give it more of a well done look. I love the color, it's definitely holiday appropriate and I just overall looove sweater outfits xD!
Lots of Love,

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