Friday 14 December 2012

Deadmau Cami Raffle Winner :D

Hey guys so remember that raffle I was doing and i had my lil 5 year old sis pick which one....well I finally got her to stop coloring long enough to pick a winner :P honestly even I was a little in shock at who she picked because I really think the person she picked deserved it ALOT she's such a nice person to everyone...until u make her mad... :P everyone knows her even if she isnt ur friend and EVERYONE loves her and EVERYTHING she does :D if you haven't figured out who I'm talking about by now then you're really slow :P jk ur not slow rofl so I'm talking to much and ik everyone really only wants to know who won :P not gonna tell you :P I'm gonna let u click that picture of my face down there and find out who won uself :D Note: I'm doing it this way cuz its more intense :P 
 ~Merry Christmas

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