Sunday 23 December 2012

Christmas joy and spirit!

Hi Deadliners,
Well also like Eva Christmas is tomorrow and I'm so excited I just can't wait any longer! Well I'll tell you what I'm doing today and tomorrow for my Christmas joy that we do every year.

Well Christmas is always at our house because all my relatives we take turns of what house for what season that we celebrate. One grandma is Easter, another is New Years Day and where Christmas. But I think Christmas is the best for our family!

On Christmas Eve (right now) I'm cleaning because our house looked like a pig stye so my mum told me to come and help clean up so I did and my feet are already tired! I decided to take a little break and enjoy Christmas Eve while its going by. Then at 6:00 PM The Christmas Carols are on so I watch on the TV and I still enjoy the Hi 5 songs (lol) But oh well thats the only kid things there. We always watch the Christmas Carols every year (Its not Christmas Eve without watching the Christmas Carols in my family) Once I feel tired I get my Santa plate put 3 cookies and a glass of milk for Santa and then snuggle into bed.

Christmas morning:
Since I'm a morning waker and its Christmas and all these presents are under the Christmas tree I run to my Christmas tree and open up all of my presents (this is including all my relatives who gave presents before Christmas I keep there presents under the Christmas Tree until Christmas day) Once I open up all my presents I pack all the wrapping up make my bed and get changed because I got to church with my dad since Christ was born this day (Dad and I are early wakers) Once where there it takes 30 minutes or more until its finished! Then we go home and talk about what happened at church. I get change into my Christmas clothes and I help mum with the finishing touches of the cooking and do the table. Then they arrive and once there all there we have our feast. Once that done I try out all of my presents that I got and thank them.

Thats my Christmas! This is my last day I'll be on woozworld for the year! After Christmas we are packing to go to my caravan for 4 weeks (I think) But if its not on Boxing Day then might be 2nd last day I don't know! But I'll miss you all so much and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Maddytwo xoxo

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