Tuesday 18 December 2012

A little helpful Tip :D

HAHA look gingey I have a tip too :P
Okay so some of you guys are wondering why you got put on deadline trial when you've already passed and became a ful member. There's a simple explanation for that really....You dont post very often...and theres a simple wat to getting off trial that Hopey shall tell you about now

During Your Trial:
When you post try to keep it wzw related, or deadline related :P :D
Just because you're on trial doesn't mean you have to go post crazy, its not about who posts the most we wanna see good posts
Try to give different types of posts. To much of anything is a bad thing :P
Stay positive, if you need help with anything I'm sure a full member would be happy to help you, or maybe try to pair off with another trial member
Worst thing to do in this case is to get an attitude for being on trial, it was your fault not ours
If you notice someone has already posted something, dont post the same thing we wanna see what you can do, not what ideas you can copy  

After your Trial is over and your a Full Member: 
When this is over and lets say you make it pas trial...DON'T STOP POSTING!!!
Stop coming up with reasons as to why you can't post, I have school Gingey has school and I think we're the only 2 girls who manage to post at least once everyday
Don't think because you passed 2 trials you can't get another one, posting is still going to be important
You can still ask for help if you need it, nobody will tell you no for any old reason.

So yea hope mesh tips helped you <3 good luck to everyone on trial again, especially my buddies :D


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