Saturday, 20 October 2012

Woozpaper Vol.128

Happy Friday Woozens!
Right as the Woozylvania photo reel contest was ending, and the Woozband was ready to settle in and watch some of the great scary movies you woozens made, who should reappear in Woozworld butZeenaWooz!  This fiercely fashionable (but also fiercely mean!) girl has stolen Mya’s Vampirz crown and challenged our resident design queen to a  fashion faceoff!  Who are you supporting, woozens – Mya’s Vampirz team or Zeena’s Werewolvz??
With everything going on, we’ve also been playing around with the awesome Preztige system!  Some activities in Woozworld now cost energy, but they earn you Preztige points.  With enough points, you can move up to the next level, giving you prizes like Beex, Wooz, and access to cool new items in Shopz!  (For more info, click on the link above to read the blog post from the Woozband.)  The Preztige system adds a whole new level of fun to Woozworld!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  If you aren’t clear on what’s expected of you, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Centerfor more information).

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, October 20th at 11AM WTJennyWooz is hosting another round of Halloween Hurdles!  Get your costume on and come ready to race!
Also on Saturday, at 1PM WT MyaWooz will bring back Star of the Week‘s original format!  The theme isMya vs Zeena: Vampirz vs Werewolvz.  To enter the contest, simply dress to match her theme and meet her in her Fashion Show Unitz!
On Sunday, October 21st at 1PM WT is MaxWooz’s awesome Map Game!  This round is open to everyone, so study that atlas!
Also on Sunday, at 4PM WT JayWooz will be visting Vampirz and Werewolvz Unitz to offer tips and advice!  Consider this a Unitz workshop – you can ask Jay what he’s looking for and get ahead in theUnitz Design Contest!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for October 22nd-26th
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJayWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:30 PM WTJayWooz
TuesdayMax’s Game Show7:30 PM WTMaxWooz
WednesdayDiscussionz7:30 PM WTJennyWooz
ThursdayFreestyle Hour7:30 PM WTJayWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:30 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Werewolvz vs Vampirz by TrinaRoxHey Woozens! Zeena has returned better and badder then before! Zeena has stolen Mya’s Vampirz crown, and now they are fighting to the death of fashion! If you pick Vampirz, then you are cheering for Mya! If you choose Werewolvs, then you are cheering for Zeena (BTW, I only picked Zeena because last time I picked Woozband, so don’t be hatin)
The Styles Are:
Werewolvz: A SUPER cute Werewolf outfit for him AND her
Sea Monster Outfits that are just beautiful!!
Vampirz: A Cheerleader Vampire outfit that is ADORABLE!!
A Yeti outfit that is FUR-Tastic!! (BTW, the guy Yeti hair looks like Einstein hair!!)
And that is all! Choose carefully Woozens ;)
Trick-or-Treating by Jayden6543Hello c:. I don’t know what I’m doing I just randomly wanted to type something so everything could see it xD . ! . ‘kay well…. Why not ’bout ”Trick-or-treating” the right way and the safe way:
First of all: You should get a costume that’s scary so the houses you go to will be impressed and give more candy.
Second of all: Don’t go without friends or family if you’re an underage; Halloween isn’t that safe as you can think it could be.
Third of all: It’s just candy! You don’t need to fight people for it! ‘Cause either way your candy’s gonna be gone in 2 months into your digestive system.
Fourth of all: Wear warm clothing under your costume. It can get really chilly.
Fifth of all: Have a great time! . xD
‘Kay, My name’s Jayden6543. And I approve these Halloween tips, and this message. xD Love you Jazzy cc; . xD . KBye
Preztige by Danni-teacupWho loves the new Preztige thing we have in Woozworld now? I know I do! It gives us a chance to be nice to others and give them a thumbs-up! And it also gives us free money for just being nice! How awesome is that? Pretty cool, I’ll say.  Plus, if you’re not exactly the wealthiest woozen in town, don’t worry! Every time you achieve the next level you get Wooz! I think now it’s fair! Go Woozworld! –Dani
Until next Friday Woozens!

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