Monday 25 June 2012


 hey guys! so lately all those bad names have started to increase and i have noticed how alot of woozens 'over react' to these names..guys i want to tell u something, this is a virtual world so if those few sick minded woozens post on ure wallz claiming that they can do 'things' to u,ignore it! cuz it will never happen..another thing u guys can do is make ure walls private..go to settings and set ure wallz to 'friends only' so that these sick minded woozens wont be able to post on ure walls and u wont be affected,of course the wooz band are trying their best to get rid of these bad names but it seems that it wont stop many of them because all they do is keep on making new i was thinking that the woozband should ban the woozens in such a way that they cant use that computer to play woozworld..this means that they wont be able to make anymore new accounts..(just a thought)..but in the mean time,all us good woozens should take a stand to these bad names! we should abstain from posting on their wallz cuz this just encourages them! Ignore these names and just REPORT =) ..hopefully this will reduce these names and make our woozworld a better place ! =D

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