Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Want Mya To Win Big Woozen?


So all those who are rootin' for Mya to win Big Woozen, this post is for you! **A Must Read C:**

--> For all those lazy woozens who don't check Hot Topics, GoodOldWooz has posted something to show that YOU support bringing Mya back in the Big Woozen! (I think that it means you want Mya to win Big Woozen ;]

Kay so in Hot Topics, GoodOld said that to support Mya in the Big Woozen, wear pink or red hair! Super stylish choice, GoodOld! XD Or, I guess you can just wear your Mya head if you have one ;]

Here's the Hot Topic Picture ------------------>

And below you can see a close up version of the picture in Hot Topics XD

 So as you can see, almost everyone is wearing the Mya head or red/pink hairstyles. So what are you waiting for, Mya supportors?

Buy and wear a Mya head or red/pink hair NOW! ;]

So since that's about it. I may not post until my mom unbans me from the computer...this may be the last time I post in a bit. Hopefully she'll unban me soon. Hopefully. I'm sneaking on '-' So I'll postpone the winners of my logo contest to when I come back: hopefully by Friday. So until I come back, you have until then to email in your submissions! Take this opportunity :) to enter if you haven't done so yet. For a link to my logo contest post, click any of the pictures on this post. :] Au revoir! CU Soon, hopefully <3

Lovely x