Monday, 14 January 2013

Interview with Demitra11

I got an interview from Demitra11. There are 7 questions which I took on Private Chat :D

Why you joined woozworld?
Demitra11I joined Woozworld because my friends were on it, and they invited me...and I thought it would be cool to try something different :P

How you will introduce your self?
Demitra11: I would introduce myself as an awesome woozen, Comedian ;P

How did you get popular?
Demitra11: It came when I least expected it. I started making videos for fun, and I ended up getting more attention that I expected

What you like in woozworld?
Demitra11: I like all of my friends, And the eventz and contests woozworld gives us

What your best moment on woozworld?
Demitra11: My best moment was when I defeated a hacker... xD (Back in August) He was trying to hack us. (he has an orange chat)

If you have the chance to change something what will be?
Demitra11: TBH I wouldn't change anything, I like everything the way it is.

What you wanna say to all woozens?
Demitra11: I would like to say... Be yourself and never give up on anything, Follow your heart. :)

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