Sunday, 13 January 2013

Early's Fashion Corner- The Winter Jitters

Hey all my Fashionistas! It's Early here and i must apologise for rarely posting x3 I keep forgetting to post about my fashion because I thought after the hack, all my work was lost! But yesterday I was at a sleepover and my BFF looked at my fashion corner and all my posts were there! im so glad of that x3 Now today, i'm going to be posting about the new outfits, or not so new outfits xD Over a week old x3. Not let's get started! The first one here is super cute! It's for warmer winter days as you don't have anything but a super short pair of shorts on you freezing legs! It's does look winter-ish for it's heavy coat, boots and adorable hat =^-^=.
I think this outfit is Gaw-juss! Here's the info ;)
Hair: Arctic Kitty Hat
Torso: Waterproof Arctic Coat
Legs: Classic Mini Shorts (Hidden)
Shoes: Ozzy Boots

The next one is definitely for a cold winters day! You have your shoulder length hair curled and some cut leopard print ear-muffs on your ears. You thigh-length coat is triple padded for the maximum warmth and a cute pair of leggings underneath. A heavy pair of short boots is ideal for the cold day. I recommend a warm colour pallet for this outfit, as dark colours attract sunlight. Another colour like black or white is perfect to accompany this gorgeous outfit!  
I think this outfit is really pretty and perfect for a freezing winters day. Here's the info:
Hair: Arctic Leopard EarMuffs
Torso: Leopard Cuff Arctic Coat
Legs: Manga Skirt and Striped Socks (skirt Hidden)
Shoes: Strut the Halls Boots

Now this last one is for a casual Autumn/Spring day. A cute pair of skinny cargo pants and a light sweater of a shirt is ideal for the comfortable type. A pair of unlaced kicks shows that you're lazy, but in a cute way! Although very casual, this outfit is perfect for a party or trip to the mall. judging by the way your sleeves are rolled up, this outfit would'nt be a good idea for a cold winters day! Your hair is down with your fringe clipped up out of your face! What does this mean/ you've been working hard? Hm...
I think this outfit is cute, casual and comfy or as I would say, CCC!
Hair: Celebration haircut
Torso: holiday Sweater
Legs: Slim cargo
Shoes: Comfy kicks

Well I hope you enjoyed this post by  meh! I'll try to post every week ;) Cya ma beautiful and handsome fashionistas!

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