Monday 10 December 2012


Hey fashionistas! How are y'all today?! I'm fine and no this isn't a segment to our statement that sadly we lost :P But this is actually involving our WOOZHOLIDAY FASHION SHOW! If you have given in ur photo good tomorrow is the LAST day to do so! Also my computer has a issue and I lost all the photos of the outfits these photos aren't ALL!! It's the ones which were sent in BEFORE LAST WEEK! So if u submitted ur picture BEFORE LAST WEEK plz just sent me another message with the pic just so I'll be SURE u are included in the next round 2 video!!!!! To still enter plz go under the contests page and read and watch the video! This is only for contestants who entered the WEEK BEFORE LAST WEEK! Thanks again everyone, Ginny & Vel :) 😋

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